Thursday 26 October 2017

Oh My Dog!

I still remember it was in December 2016 when my father adopted a puppy from a friend. We named her Dino. She is a mixed of German Shepherd and Golden Retriever. She has a white spot on her neck and her cute little paws. She was about one month old when she was accepted into our family. When i first met her, she was so shy that she kept hiding. As time goes by, she becomes my bestfriend, and even a part of our family.

I like to brush and hug her as her fur is so silky and smooth, very comfortable to be brushed. She's my favourite listener as i always talk to her even though she glances at me for a second. I'm not sure if she listens to my so called story, but that makes me feel better, well at least there's a listener listens to me. She always got my attention for her child-like, innocent face, I cannot resist her cuteness. Her cuteness overload. Wagging her tail is her favourite activity! She's so cuddly and that makes her so adorable. She's playful and joy to be around. She's so hyperactive that sometimes i get startled when she chases and tries to jump on me.

She's going to be two years old by next month. I'm so happy she's becoming big in size so I hope she's growing up healthily and eat well.